Research Reference for Quantitative Analysis (Election theme)

I’m just using my blog as a place to host the reference data and the slides made by my teammates and me! This is for the course Quantitative Analysis and our theme was election! The complete title is

The effect of population density & average voting rate on the 2017 Tokyo Prefectural Election results

The reference follows.:

Article 1.   Possible reasons behind high vote shares received by independent candidates: Politician avoids using the name of their associated party due to its public image and decides to run as an “individual”.

Hijino, K. V. L. (2020). What drives Japanese regional elections? Multilevel factors and partisan independents. Regional & Federal Studies, 31(3), 419-432.

Article 2.    Findings about voting behavior in Japan’s national and regional election results for Lower House elections: Age positively correlated to turnout rate, political interest and party support (in particular the LDP).  Younger people tended to lower turnout rates at both national and regional levels. For population density / dwelling area, rural areas tend to vote more for the LDP nationally, but for regional elections in Tokyo, the same trend was not noticeable. The 23 wards and those categorized as rural (outside of 23 wards) had similar turnout rates.

Bettini, G. (2022). Long- and short-term influences on voting behavior in Tokyo: A comparative analysis of 2005-2011 Lower House elections (Master’s dissertation, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).

Source with population density data as of 1/1/2017:

Secretariat to Election Administration Commission. (2017, January). 住民基本台帳による東京都の世帯と人口平成29年1月 [Households and population in Tokyo from the basic resident register].

Dataset not directly used but became inspiration. The Japanese Local Elections Dataset by Horiuchi, Yusaku (Dartmouth College)

Quantitative Analysis.pptx by Tu Howard

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